8 Pastel Color Palettes Inspired by Kittens!

Yes, kittens! Pastel colors are so dreamy, and so are those little tiny jelly bean paws. So here I present to you 8 pastel color palettes inspired by adorable little kittens!

But first, the SEO part where I have to describe why pastel colors are so dreamy so you can even find this adorableness in the first place.

Pastel colors palettes are so dreamy

A few years ago, my friend and I started the pastel challenge. What is this secret challenge, you ask? It’s a quest to see creative projects through the lens of pastel colors. A soft, light approach to photography. A gentle touch to design. Here are 3 ways pastel colors make a creative workflow more uplifting:

  • Pastel colors bring joy. When you look at these colors, they’re so warm and cozy, like sitting in front of a fireplace with one of those fuzzy blankets wrapped around you. And, of course, you’d have a hot cup of cocoa with those tiny marshmallows. Let’s just go all the way and put some whipped cream on top of that too!

  • Pastel color palettes are harmonious. You can turn pretty much any color into a pastel color. Just add white! Because they all have that secret ingredient, they are harmonious.

  • Pastel color palettes are soft. Can we all just slow down for a second and smell the flowers? Or snuggle a kitten? Let’s all add a little softness to our lives. M-kay? M-kay.


Whenever it comes to finding inspiration, nature always does it right. And speaking of nature, if you need more pastel color palettes in your life, check out these pastel colors inspired by nature! Anyways, back to kittens. Without further ado, here are 8 pastel color palettes inspired by kittens! Let the wave of cuteness come over you like a ray of warm sunshine. Photo credit to the generous contributors at Unsplash. Thank you, wonderful photographers, for sharing inspiration with the world!

Don’t forget to pin and share these cute color palettes.


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8 Pastel Color Palettes Inspired by Nature